

Major Departmental Helps

We have 20+ major departmental navodayan groups & our board members mostly connected with Navodayans all over India.
And we have 1322 navodayan coordinators from 661 Navodaya.
In the field on Guidance, job, information of all major departments we can provide You navodayan contact of that particular department. We don’t take any guarantee for help but we try our 100% to provide you details.
20+ Major departments including Doctor, Advocate, Police, Banker, and many more.

Financial Helps

We are charging 100 rupees registration fees for this NGO. And we will use this funds for financial help to Navodayan with 100% Transparency.
If any navodayan needs financial help then our team will contact with State coordinator & district coordinator to verify & cross check this matter.
We provide financial support on the basic of following
• How much fund required
• ⁠How much fund balance in NGO
• ⁠And Few NGO rules.
After each & every financial help, We will post all the summary in our official WhatsApp group and how much fund balance in NGO.

Free Hostel Facilities

Many Navodayans keep on going for One day exams or hospital for treatment. That time mostly need staying help.
Normally 500+ Rs. rent per night anywhere in India. and many times, our Navodayan brothers and sisters can’t even afford because either they are studying so no source of income or in treatment in hospital already lot of money they spent.
So we’ll start our first Rented Jnv house from Bananas Hindu University (BHU). Later we will start from other major places also.
So if any navodayan need free staying help in BHU then contact us.
It’s free of cost as NGO pay the rent.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Navodayan Helping Team is an NGO, registered & running by navodayan alumni form all over india. It’s connected with navodayan alumni of 661 JNVs including 12 major developmental heads. 

It helps in 3 sectors

  1. Help in all 12 major departments by Providing navodayan alumni contact as we’ve connected with all 12 major departments.
  2. Help in financial needs after verifying & following our terms and conditions.
  3. Help by providing rooms, who goes for one day examination & hospitals.

Rs. 100/- is the minimum fees for registration with us. All the funds use for navodayan helps with 100% transparency.

Founder is Subrat Nandi from JNV Bareilly (6th-10th) &  JNV Varanasi (11th-12th), Batch 2011-2018. Completed Hotel Management from IHM Lucknow then worked in India & Kuwait. And Currently Founder & Running an overseas consultancy business, Named Abroad Job Wala

We’re connected with 12 major departments. Police & Force, Doctor & Medical, Advocate & Legal Advisor, CA/CS/CMA, Banking & Financial Advisor, Railway & Metro, Business & Entrepreneur, Journalist & Media, MBA- HR/Marketing/Finance, Teachers & Tutor, Engineering, NRI.